Title: Doraemon: Nobita's Time-traveling Adventure
Nobita Nobi is an elementary student struggling with school, sports, and life in general. His lackluster approach to everything has made him a failure, impacting even his future generations. To remedy this, his great-great-grandchild, Sewashi, travels from the 22nd century to the 20th century. He arrives with a blue robotic cat named Doraemon, who is sent to help Nobita improve his life and bring him happiness.
Doraemon, equipped with futuristic gadgets from his four-dimensional pocket, begins assisting Nobita. Initially frustrated by Nobita's situation, Doraemon is tempted to return to the future. However, Sewashi has activated a program in Doraemon that prevents him from leaving.
As Doraemon tries to guide Nobita towards a better path, he faces numerous challenges. Can Doraemon overcome these obstacles, help Nobita find happiness, and ultimately return to his own time?
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