Series Plot:
The Railway Men is a gripping series set against the tragic backdrop of the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy. When a toxic gas leaks from a factory, causing one of the worst industrial disasters in history, a group of courageous railway workers, played by Madhavan, Kay Kay Menon, and Divyendu Sharma, stand up to the catastrophe. Risking their own lives, they strive to rescue countless others from the invisible threat that hangs over the city. This powerful drama highlights bravery, resilience, and the human spirit in the face of unimaginable peril.

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This series brings to light a historic event with intense storytelling and memorable performances.

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The Railway Men S01 Hindi - HD MKV 480p 720p WEB-DL
The Railway Men S01 Hindi - HD MKV 480p 720p WEB-DL

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