Story Plot:

In The Giver, a young man named Jonas lives in a seemingly perfect society devoid of color, love, and pain. As Jonas and his friends, Asher and Fiona, come of age, they are assigned societal roles, with Jonas being chosen for the rare and revered position of Receiver of Memories. Under the guidance of the elder Giver, Jonas begins to uncover the vibrant emotions and experiences of the past. However, as he receives these memories, he learns the shocking truth about his society and its dark secrets. When he discovers that an infant named Gabriel is destined for termination, Jonas is driven to take action, challenging the rules of his colorless world and becoming a target for the authoritarian Chief Elder.


The Giver (2014) is a thought-provoking drama, romance, and sci-fi film directed by Phillip Noyce. With a talented cast featuring Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, and Meryl Streep, the movie explores profound themes of individuality, emotion, and the human experience. As Jonas embarks on a quest to bring color and feelings back into his society, the film raises important questions about conformity, freedom, and the essence of humanity.

Released on August 15, 2014, and available in Dual Audio (Hindi + English), the film offers high-quality viewing in 720p and 480p BRRip. The Giver stands out as a compelling narrative that invites viewers to reflect on the significance of emotions and the value of memories in shaping our identities and relationships.

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The Giver (2014) Dual Audio Hindi | HD MKV 720p 480p | HDRip
The Giver (2014) Dual Audio Hindi | HD MKV 720p 480p | HDRip

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