In Space Cadet (2024), Rex, a party-loving girl from Florida, unexpectedly finds herself in the running to join the NASA space program. Despite her unconventional background, she proves to be the program’s last hope. While her fellow candidates boast impressive resumés, Rex’s combination of smarts, heart, and moxie set her apart. This light-hearted comedy is packed with humor and charm as Rex navigates the world of space training, discovering that her unique perspective might be just what NASA needs.
Directed by Liz W. Garcia, Space Cadet is a fun-filled comedy starring Emma Roberts, Tom Hopper, and Poppy Liu. With an IMDb rating of 4.9/10, the film was released on July 4, 2024, in the United States. Available in Dual Audio (Hindi + English), the movie can be enjoyed in 720p and 480p WEB-DL quality.
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