Movie Plot:
Shinda Shinda No Papa (2024) follows the story of Gopi, a father living in Canada, who struggles to handle his mischievous son, Shinda. Frustrated by his son's behavior, Gopi plans a trip to India, hoping the experience will help him discipline Shinda. However, Shinda soon uncovers his father’s true intentions, which leads to a battle of wits and emotions between them. The film explores the relationship between father and son, filled with humor, conflict, and heartwarming moments that highlight the complexities of family bonds.
Directed by Amarpreet G.S. Chhabra and written by Naresh Kathooria, Shinda Shinda No Papa stars Gippy Grewal as Gopi, Shinda Grewal as Shinda, and a talented ensemble cast including Hina Khan, Prince Kanwaljit Singh, and Jaswinder Bhalla. The movie, a drama that delves into family dynamics, is available in high-definition HDRip quality in 1080p, 720p, and 480p formats.
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