In Rathnam (2024), the story follows Rathnam, a loyal henchman working under a powerful MLA Panner Selvam. When a young woman on her way to Vellore for a job interview faces a life-threatening attack, Rathnam steps in to save her. Now bound to protect her, Rathnam finds himself in the role of her guardian angel. However, with dangerous enemies lurking around every corner, Rathnam's battle to keep her safe becomes increasingly difficult. The action-packed narrative explores Rathnam’s dedication and the high-stakes challenges he faces while safeguarding her from violent attackers.

Directed by Hari, this action-packed drama stars Vishal, Priya Bhavani Shankar, and Samuthirakani. Rathnam (2024) is available in Dual Audio [Hindi + Tamil] and can be downloaded or streamed in 480p and 720p WEB-DL quality.

✅Watch or Download Rathnam (2024) UNCUT Dual Audio Hindi Tamil | HD MKV 480p 720p | WEB-DL in HD - Bollywood, Hollywood, Action, Comedy, and More!

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Rathnam (2024) UNCUT Dual Audio Hindi Tamil | HD MKV 480p 720p | WEB-DL
Rathnam (2024) UNCUT Dual Audio Hindi Tamil | HD MKV 480p 720p | WEB-DL

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