Movie Plot:

In Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan, a skilled secret agent, living under the radar to conceal his identity, unexpectedly crosses paths with a woman burdened by heavy debt. Despite his isolated lifestyle, he forms an unusual bond with her after rescuing a stray pup, setting him on a path to help her overcome her financial struggles. This action-filled journey challenges his commitment to anonymity and reveals unexpected connections.


Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan (2024) is a thrilling action drama directed by Vijay Milton, featuring Vijay Antony, Megha Akash, and Pruthvi Ambaar. The movie brings an intriguing mix of intense action and heartwarming moments as it follows a secret agent’s mission to aid a woman in distress. With its Hindi-Tamil dual audio options, this film promises a dynamic viewing experience for fans of action-packed stories.

Available in both 720p and 480p WEB-DL quality, Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan offers a gripping tale of mystery, compassion, and adrenaline-driven action for enthusiasts of high-stakes drama.

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Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan (2024) Hindi Dubbed | HD MKV 720p 480p | WEB-DL
Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan (2024) Hindi Dubbed | HD MKV 720p 480p | WEB-DL

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