In Love Sitara (2024), the story revolves around the complex relationships and emotional struggles within a close-knit family. Sitara, played by Sobhita Dhulipala, navigates her evolving bond with her family, balancing the weight of responsibilities and the pursuit of love. As her world unfolds, love and heartache become intertwined in a heartfelt narrative about loyalty, romance, and family values.

This movie has an IMDb rating of 6.0/10 and was released on September 27, 2024. It belongs to the Drama, Family, and Romance genres and is available in Hindi. Directed by Vandana Kataria, and written by Sonia Bahl, Abbas Dalal, and Hussain Dalal, the film stars Sobhita Dhulipala, Rajeev Siddhartha, and Sonali Kulkarni.

Download Love Sitara (2024) in HD MKV formats: 480p, 720p WEB-DL to experience a touching romantic family drama.

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Love Sitara (2024) Hindi | HD MKV 480p 720p 1080p | HDRip
Love Sitara (2024) Hindi | HD MKV 480p 720p 1080p | HDRip

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