
"Killer Heat" unfolds on a secluded Greek island, where twin brothers become embroiled in a perilous love triangle that complicates their lives and threatens their bond. As emotions run high and jealousy simmers, the investigation into the ensuing chaos falls into the hands of a wounded detective known as "The Jealousy Man." This gripping narrative explores themes of love, rivalry, and the quest for truth amidst turmoil.

Released on September 26, 2024, "Killer Heat" has garnered an IMDb rating of 5.5/10. Directed by Philippe Lacôte and featuring a talented cast that includes Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley, and Richard Madden, this film masterfully blends crime, drama, mystery, romance, and thriller elements. Available in dual audio—Hindi and English—the movie can be enjoyed in high-quality 720p and 480p WEB-DL formats, offering an engaging cinematic experience.

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Killer Heat (2024) Dual Audio Hindi Eng | 720p/480p WEB-DL
Killer Heat (2024) Dual Audio Hindi Eng | 720p/480p WEB-DL

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