In the gripping horror-mystery series Inspector Rishi S01, mysterious deaths in a remote mountain village spark fear among locals, who believe the sinister Vanaratchi, a demonic forest spirit, is behind the killings. However, Inspector Rishi, a skeptical officer, along with his subordinates Ayyanar and Chitra, embarks on a mission to unravel the truth. As they uncover dark secrets and face terrifying supernatural occurrences, their resolve is tested not only by the paranormal but also by their own personal struggles.
Inspector Rishi premiered on March 29, 2024, and holds an IMDb rating of 6.8/10. The series, created by J.S. Nandhini, stars Naveen Chandra, Srikrishna Dayal, and Kanna Ravi. A thrilling mix of Horror and Mystery, this Hindi series is available in WEB-DL quality, with options for 480p and 720p viewing.
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