Movie Plot:
Eons after the gods triumphed over the Titans, a new threat arises. King Hyperion, driven by madness, declares war on humanity, amassing an army of disfigured soldiers. His quest is to find the legendary Epirus Bow, a weapon forged by Ares that can unleash the imprisoned Titans and bring destruction to mankind. With the gods bound by ancient laws that forbid interference in mortal affairs, Theseus, a simple peasant secretly chosen by Zeus, emerges as the only hope to stop Hyperion. Alongside visionary Priestess Phaedra and cunning rogue Stavros, Theseus must lead the fight to save humanity and prevent the annihilation of both men and gods.

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Immortals (2011) | HD MKV 480p 720p 1080p | HDRip
Immortals (2011) | HD MKV 480p 720p 1080p | HDRip

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