Movie Plot:
In Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare (2023), a dark comedy unfolds when the warden of a boys’ hostel unexpectedly takes his own life, leaving a note accusing certain students of driving him to this end. The residents of the hostel, who now find themselves as prime suspects, must devise a risky plan to cover up the incident and hide the body to avoid a scandal. The chaotic and humorous attempts of these students create a wild roller-coaster of events filled with tension and laughs.

Directed and written by Nithin Krishnamurthy, this comedy features Manjunath, Prajwal BP, and Aniruddha as the mischievous hostel residents. Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare blends humor with suspense, taking viewers through an unpredictable adventure that questions friendship and loyalty under extreme circumstances. Available in Dual Audio (Hindi-Kannada), this UNCUT version in 480p/720p WEB-DL ensures an immersive and high-quality viewing experience.

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Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare (2023) UNCUT WEB-DL 480p 720p Dual Audio [Hindi – Kannada]
Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare (2023) UNCUT WEB-DL 480p 720p Dual Audio [Hindi – Kannada]

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