Movie Plot:
Set in 2015, Daman follows the inspiring journey of Sid, a young doctor who has just completed his MBBS. He is assigned to the cut-off area of Malkangiri district in Odisha, which is notorious for Naxal dominance and lacking basic facilities. This real-life tale showcases Sid's perseverance and dedication as he confronts numerous challenges to provide healthcare to the villagers in this underserved region.
Daman (2022) has received an impressive IMDb rating of 9.3/10, highlighting its impactful storytelling and compelling performances. Directed by Prasad Lenka Debi and Vishal Mourya, the film features a talented cast, including Udit Bhanu, Dipanwit Dashmohapatra, and Vaibhav Gohil.
Available in Hindi, the film's high-quality visuals in 720p and 480p WEB-DL format enhance the viewing experience, making Daman a must-watch for those who appreciate powerful narratives that emphasize the importance of healthcare and community service in challenging circumstances.
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